One Day Seminars
2012 Distributed access to DB2 for z/OS”
Practical DB2 for z/OS Performance Topics”
2013 DB2 Security in-depth
DB2 10 System tuning
DB2 for LUW state of the art
2014 DB2 for z/OS System Topics
Analyzing performance using stats & accounting reports
DB2 LUW : DR, HA, HADR, and pureScale demystified
2015 DB2 for z/OS Recovery in depth
Moving and cloning DB2 data
Introduction DB2 LUW for experienced DBA's
2016 Performance: Co-locating Transactional and Data Warehouse Workloads
Buffer Pool: Design and definition, best practices, perf & optimiz, Data-Sharing (GBPs),...
Big data demystified
DB2 LUW - Interpretación de Planes de Acceso
2017 DB2 12 New Features and Enhancements
DB2 z/OS State of the art, a system view
Tuning you DB2 LUW using administrative views and table functions
DB2 SQL/PL (Procedure Language): Desarrollo de Procedimientos
2018 The Db2 for z/OS Optimizer: Top rules
Distributed access to Db2 for z/OS: the state of the art in 2018
Análisis de sentencias SQL en entornos LUW
Diseño de aplicaciones web con IBM Db2
2019 All you must know about Db2 and WLM and z/OS address space
Db2 12 for z/OS post-migration early user experiences
Análisis de sentencias SQL en entornos LUW
2020 Db2 12 for z/OS Migration Planning Workshop (online)
La Automatización y Medición hace más fácil el trabajo del DBA (online)
2021 Db2 for z/OS security in depth
Db2 12 for z/OS lessons learned
Running applications in a hybrid mix of Db2 for z/OS and Db2 LUW
2022 Db2 Packages: Administration and Execution
DB2 enhancements revisited
Trusted contexts and Distributed Access